SIP Malta: Available Resources
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Malta Platform, has been working relentlessly throughout the years to raise awareness about the impact that pain has on our societies, economic systems and individuals. If you would like to know more about SIP’s Malta work and...
SIP Belgium: Available Resources
SIP Belgium developed a few years ago valuable resources that can now be found on our website! Following the launch of the SIP Framing Paper and Infographic, SIP Belgium published its own infographic on the topic. One of the main aims of the Societal Impact of Pain...
SIP Portugal: Available Resources
In Portugal, chronic pain affects nearly one-third of the population, impacting the lives of many individuals. If you would like to learn more about the topic and understand how the Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Portugal Platform is tackling the issue, be sure to read...
SIP France: Available Resources
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) France Platform developed a few years ago a valuable resource which described chronic pain in a very accessible way. Be sure to download it here!
Apply for the EFIC Pain School on Translational Pain Research
We are excited to announce that the EFIC Pain School on Translational Pain Research will take place on 26-30 June 2024 in Kraków, Poland. The course is open to anaesthetists, surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, researchers, and quality assurance...
Endometriosis Awareness Month 2024
Endometriosis Awareness Month is an annual event organized by The Endometriosis Association. The aim of this month is to increase awareness of this common chronic disease through educational and fundraising events. The Endometriosis Association highlights...
SIP Newsletter 01 2024 – Now Available!
The first SIP Newsletter of 2024 is now available! Be sure to read this month’s editorial, which includes updates on: SIP priorities and activities; The European Health Data Space (EHDS) negotiations; SIP National Platforms; The first SIP National Platform...
SIP National Platform Meeting Report Available
The meeting report from the SIP National Platform call is now available! The first SIP National Platform meeting of the year, took place on 14th February 2024. During the meeting, participants had the opportunity to: Discuss SIP Plans, Policy objectives, and...
EFIC Academy now holds UEMS-EACCME accreditation
We are thrilled to announce that EFIC has recently been accredited by UEMS-EACCME for numerous medical modules available on our education platform. To earn credits, learners are required to complete each module. This involves engaging with all instructional videos,...
5 reasons to attend the EFIC Virtual Pain Summit 2024
Join us at the EFIC Virtual Pain Education Summit on May 28-29, 2024, and take your expertise in pain management to the next level. Find out why you should attend this 100% virtual pain education event: As chronic conditions and multimorbidity become more prevalent,...
Just published: EFIC Core Curriculum for Bachelor / Pre-Registration Physiotherapy Programmes
EFIC is pleased to announce the development of its core pain curriculum for Bachelor/pre-registration physiotherapy programs. Initiated through the Erasmus+ funded Physiotherapy Pain Science Curriculum Augmentation (UPPScAle) project, led by Brona Fullen (Ireland) and...
Why You Should Submit Your Workshop to #EFIC2025
We are excited to announce that workshop submission is now open! Continue reading to find out why you should submit your workshop to #EFIC2025. I. Share Cutting-Edge Pain Research at an International Meeting: Participating in the largest international meeting on pain...
#EFIC2025: Interview with André Mouraux
Would you like to know more about the largest international congress in 2025 focusing entirely on pain? Watch this interview with André Mouraux, the Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee to hear from her directly on the theme and the main topics of #EFIC2025....