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Pain and Mental Health in Europe

Pain and Mental Health in Europe

At present, 150 million people are experiencing chronic pain across Europe, approximately equal to the population of France and Germany combined  Recognising and addressing pain in mental health settings and policies are essential to meet the needs of people with both...
The Low Back Pain Curriculum Content Standards (LBP-CCS)

The Low Back Pain Curriculum Content Standards (LBP-CCS)

The Low Back Pain Curriculum Content Standards (LBP-CCS) have been designed for academic programs that provide entry-level education for healthcare professionals, to guide the development or review of curriculum content related to the management of low back pain in...
World Mental Health Day: 10 October 2023

World Mental Health Day: 10 October 2023

About World Mental Health Day Today is World Mental Health Day and the WHO is launching a campaign around the theme of ‘Our minds, our rights.’ The Day is an opportunity for people with mental health conditions, advocates, governments, employers, employees and other...
SIP National Platforms Meeting at #EFIC2023

SIP National Platforms Meeting at #EFIC2023

The SIP National Platforms on-site meeting took place on Thursday 21st September during the #EFIC2023 Congress in Budapest. During the meeting, participants had the opportunity to: Discuss the current status of SIP National Platforms, including their needs, challenges...
A Letter from President-Elect Luis Garcia-Larrea

A Letter from President-Elect Luis Garcia-Larrea

Luis Garcia-Larrea shares his vision as European Pain Federation President: Dear colleagues  I want to thank you once again for electing me as the next President of the European Pain Federation EFIC. As a pain researcher and clinician, Director of an EFIC Pain School,...
Congratulations to the #EFIC2023 Prize Winners

Congratulations to the #EFIC2023 Prize Winners

Congratulations to our #EFIC2023 Prize Winners! BEST ORAL COMMUNICATION IN BASIC/TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH  # 755 – SEX- AND AGE-DEPENDENT PROTEOME DYNAMICS OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN IN MICE  Sabrina Grundtner   University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)  BEST ORAL...
Watch our Livestream from #EFIC2023

Watch our Livestream from #EFIC2023

Join us as we interview speakers from #EFIC2023, the largest international scientific meeting on pain in 2023, on a variety of topics. Be sure to subscribe to be notified immediately whenever we go live. Watch it...
EFIC Pain Schools 2024: Call for Proposals

EFIC Pain Schools 2024: Call for Proposals

The European Pain Federation EFIC is seeking proposals for new ‘EFIC Pain Schools’, for which EFIC will provide a fixed grant. Proposals will be evaluated by the EFIC Education Committee and successful proposers will be provided with the grant to support the...
Our third quarterly EFIC Newsletter is available!

Our third quarterly EFIC Newsletter is available!

The latest quarterly newsletter of the European Pain Federation EFIC has just been published. Check out our latest updates on the #EFIC2023 Congress, the EFIC Academy, our Research and Advocacy activities, news from our Chapters and much more. Read it...
A Letter from President Brona Fullen

A Letter from President Brona Fullen

Brona Fullen looks back on her three years as European Pain Federation President: Dear colleagues,  I address you today for the final time as President of the European Pain Federation EFIC. To serve as President has been an honour and a privilege, not least as the...
Out now in the EJP: “Why Europe needs a pain research strategy”

Out now in the EJP: “Why Europe needs a pain research strategy”

The European Pain Federation (EFIC) is finalizing a research strategy to communicate a clear set of pain priorities to research stakeholders. The aim of the Strategy is to optimize understanding and management of pain in Europe through promoting high-quality,...