#EFIC2025 for Early Career Researchers
The #EFIC2025 Congress features a number of sessions and activities dedicated to early career researchers.
At #EFIC2025, we are excited to provide Early Career Researchers with an opportunity to present and highlight their research. Be sure to attend these sessions on Thursday, 24 April:
Preclinical research on the neurobiology of depression and its comorbidity with chronic pain
First time attending an EFIC Congress? Join us for the orientation session to go through key practical questions, understand the programme better and what are the highlights for early career researchers.
Pain & Pastries – ECR – Orientation Session
Thursday, 24 April – 08:00-09:00 CET
Room: Rhône1: Pathways Lab
Level: Rhône Pasteur
With our ECR advice sessions, we provide discussions on topics relevant to the professional growth and wider skillset of pain researchers. These ‘softer’ sessions compliment the hard science of the workshops and plenaries and can provide some more practical advice and inspiration.
Pain & Pastries – After your PhD: perspectives in industry and academia
Friday, 25 April – 08:00-09:00 CET
Room: Rhône1: Pathways Lab
Level: Rhône Pasteur
Receive advice on how to look for post-docs, industry jobs, and other opportunities for the life after your PhD
Pain & Pastries – Integrating research into your clinical practice
Friday, 25 April – 08:00-09:00 CET
Room: Rhône 2
Level: Rhône Pasteur
Find out more about how to remain active in research while doing clinical work
Pain & Pastries – Funding and publishing your research
Saturday, 26 April – 08:00-09:00 CET
Room: Rhône1: Pathways Lab
Level: Rhône Pasteur
Listen to presentations from editors on pain-specific grant schemes and receive general grant writing advice
Introducing the EFIC Rising Stars Programme
Saturday, 26 April – 16:00-17:45 CET
Room: Rhône 2
Level: Rhône Pasteur
EFIC is excited to introduce a new project dedicated to supporting early career researchers in pain science. This initiative focuses on fostering professional growth through advice sessions, webinars, discussion groups and more. Join us as we unveil this at #EFIC2025 and use the opportunity to tell us what you think is most valuable for you.
Join other early career researchers (and anyone else who wants to get involved) to meet other people working in and excited by pain science. Make contacts and share experiences with others going down a similar career path. This was a huge hit in 2023 and is sure to sell out.
When – Friday evening
Where – F&K Bistro Club, 13 Place Jules Ferry, 69006 Lyon – https://www.f-and-k.fr/
Who – Open to all attendees but separate registration required (additional fee: 42 EUR incl. VAT)
At #EFIC2025, all posters will have a dedicated area and time for presentation, whether it’s during the regular poster sessions, oral presentations, guided poster walks or the informal poster presentation during our welcome and networking reception.
When – Throughout the programme
Where – Poster area
Who – Open to all attendees
EFIC offer the opportunity for poster presenters to take part in guided ‘poster walks’, capturing an audience and having a senior research leader moderate and initiate discussions. This year we are integrating the posters with the more high-level programme themes by grouping poster walks thematically and linking them to workshops.
When – Throughout the programme
Where – Exhibition area
Who – Open to all attendees