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#EFIC2025 Scientific Programme

Under the theme “Comorbidity of chronic pain and mental health disorders: Breaking the cycle“, Prof. André Mouraux is leading an excellent, multidisciplinary Scientific Programme Committee currently hard-at-work building an ambitious programme of lectures, workshops, refresher courses and networking initiatives on acute, chronic, cancer and non-cancer pain. In addition to the latest developments in basic, translational and clinical science, #EFIC2025 will also focus on pain management in primary care, as well as multimodal interdisciplinary care.


#EFIC2025 CME/CPD Accreditation

The European Pain Federation EFIC will be seeking accreditation of the scientific programme by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) and will publish an update as soon as the accreditation has been confirmed. Previous EFIC Congresses have been accredited with 21-25 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

Interview with SPC Chair André Mouraux


To find out more about the #EFIC2025 Congress Theme and Scientific Programme, please watch the video below with Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee André Mouraux: