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The European Pain Federation EFIC is pleased to announce that 118 workshops have been been submitted for the #EFIC2025 Congress taking place in Lyon from 24-26 April 2025 under the theme of “Comorbidity of chronic pain and mental health disorders: Breaking the cycle“.

Workshops were submitted:

  • in 3 different categories (topical, demonstration and debate)
  • from over 20 different countries such as France, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy or the Netherlands
  • on over 35 different topics such as Interdisciplinary pain programmes, Measurement of psychosocial aspects of pain, Pain self-management strategies, Somatosensory and nociceptive systems, Psychology

The Scientific Programme Committee will now come together to review these workshop submissions and select those that best reflect our Scientific Programme and congress topics. Workshop submitters will be notified by the end of June 2024.


If you also wish to shape the scientific programme for the largest international meeting on pain in 2025, watch out for late workshop submission opening later this year!