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We are excited to announce that the EFIC Pain School on Acute, Perioperative and Trauma-Related Pain will take place from 9-11 March 2025 in Riga, Latvia! This course aims to develop skills for assessing and managing acute pain related to surgery and trauma in adults. The interactive course format will present an evidence-based approach to assessing, formulating a diagnosis, and designing a holistic pain management plan. It will also emphasize a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional approach to managing pain.

The EFIC Pain School is open to anaesthetists, surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, researchers, and quality assurance specialists in the early-middle stages of their careers. Applicants should have basic skills in pain management but do not need to be specialists. Find out more here.

How to apply

The applications are now open! The deadline for applications is 1 November 2024.

  • Please note that, according to the CEFR standard, your level of English needs to be at least C1 or higher for this pain school.
  • EFIC is offering 15 places for this Pain School free of charge via a grant. For the chosen 15 applicants, all teaching and related activities, along with accommodation and meals, are free of charge. The only significant cost these applicants should expect to pay is their travel.
  •  As EFIC Pain Schools aim to focus specifically on interprofessionalism, applications from nurses and physiotherapists are especially encouraged.
  • All applications are evaluated by the European Pain Federation EFIC® Committee on Education and approved by the Executive Board.