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We are pleased to announce that the deadline for #EFIC2025 abstract submission has been extended, giving you more time to submit your work and have the chance to showcase your research and receive valuable feedback.

Please note: It is possible to submit an abstract to #EFIC2025 if your research is not yet completed at the time of submission but will be complete at the time of the poster’s presentation at the congress. If this is the case, please do the following:

  • In the abstract submission system you will see two sections labelled ‘results’ and ‘conclusions’.
  • If results are not yet available, you should indicate that the project is not yet complete and indicate when it is expected to conclude.

If a second call for abstracts is opened nearer the time of the congress, you will have the option, if preferred, to provide an updated abstract with results and conclusions.


Extended Abstract Submission Deadline:

15 July 2024, 23.59 CET


Why submit an abstract to #EFIC2025?

  • Present your research in dedicated poster sessions
  • Qualify for guided poster walks
  • Qualify for Best Abstract Prizes
  • Participate in poster networking during Happy Hour/Welcome reception
  • Be included in the #EFIC2025 Abstract Book
  • Receive a certificate for poster presentation
  • All posters will have a dedicated area and time for presentation


Submit your research now to be part of the most dynamic and largest international congress on pain in 2025!