Since 2012, the European Pain Federation EFIC and the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) have fought for greater awareness of pain through the European/Global Year Against Pain campaign. In 2020, the theme of the campaign is the Prevention of Pain....
We are happy to share the experience of one of our EFIC Fellows, Aleksei Potaturko, who had the opportunity to attend the EFIC fellowship at the Leuven Centre for Algology & Pain Management of the University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium: “My fellowship took...
The first pain clinic of Lithuania was established at the Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos twenty five years ago. The anniversary was commemorated at a special conference which took place on October 11, 2019. The keynote speech was held by Dr Alfredas...
Why this paper? Pain is a common symptom in patients who survive cancer and in those who live with progressive advanced disease. Evidence from meta‐analyses suggests that pain remains poorly controlled for a large proportion of patients; barriers to good management...
In February 2020, the EFIC-Grünenthal Grant (E-G-G) will reopen applications for its pain research grant worth a total of €200,000. E-G-G is a research grant scheme awarded by the European Pain Federation EFIC and sponsored by the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal...
More than 200 people attended the international SIP 2019 Symposium in Brussels “Bringing Pain Policy to the next Decade” and many followed the SIP Symposium of November 7th via live stream. With 50 speakers including policy makers, patient representatives and...