Pain in Europe: EFIC’s Vision for Education, Research, and Advocacy in 2024
As we step into 2024, the European Pain Federation EFIC is as committed as ever to advancing the field of pain education, pain research and pain management. In 2024, EFIC will be focusing on providing pain education innovative programs designed to bridge the gap...
Participate in the ECO Survey on Cancer Workforce Challenges
EFIC has joined hands with the European Cancer Organization (ECO) in the policy research project to better evaluate cancer workforce working conditions in Europe. This project aims to generate more recent data on working conditions and robust coverage of key...
Our fourth quarterly EFIC Newsletter is available!
The latest quarterly newsletter of the European Pain Federation EFIC has just been published. Check out our latest updates on the #EFIC2025 Congress, the EFIC Academy, our Research and Advocacy activities, news from our Chapters and much more.
SANT Mental Health Report – SIP Amendments Included!
On 7th November 2023, the ENVI Committee voted in favour of the SANT Sub-Committee Report on Mental Health. One of the main priorities for the Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform in 2023 has been pain and mental health. In June 2023, the European Commission...
The European Health Data Space (EHDS) – SIP Amendments Included!
On 28th November 2023, the joint ENVI (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) and LIBE (Liberties) European Parliament Committees, approved the Report on a Proposal for a Regulation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS). One of the main priorities for the...