#EFIC2023 Abstract submission EXTENDED!
We are pleased to announce that the deadline for #EFIC2023 abstract submission has been extended, giving you more time to submit your work and have the chance to showcase your research and receive valuable feedback. FINAL Abstract Submission Deadline: 16...
Sign up now for a ONE MONTH Free Trial to the #EFICAcademy
If you are a healthcare professional or researcher looking for quality learning material on pain, we have a n exciting offer for you: Start 2023 by advancing your skills in pain management and join the #EFICAcademy! EFIC Academy Members have access to exclusive,...
Use this justification letter template to attend #EFIC2023
Attending #EFIC2023 is an amazing opportunity to gain new knowledge, meet peers, expand your skillset and expose yourself to new perspectives in your field. Whether you are looking to attend #EFIC2023 as a clinician or a researcher, you might need to persuade your...
Registration for #EFIC2023 is Now OPEN!
We are delighted to announce that registration for our upcoming Pain in Europe XIII Congress is now OPEN! We are hard at work planning for a big, on-site, live celebration of science and education in Budapest, Hungary on 20-22 September 2023. Our #EFIC2023 scientific...
Our fourth quarterly EFIC Newsletter is available!
The latest quarterly newsletter of the European Pain Federation EFIC has just been published. Check out our latest updates on the #EFIC2023 Congress, the EFIC Academy, our Research and Advocacy activities, news from our Chapters and much more.