The European Pain Federation EFIC is a non-profit organisation representing healthcare professionals in the fields of pain management and pain science.
EFIC Congress 2025
EFIC Academy
EFIC Pain Exams
European Pain Forum
News & Events
Our first quarterly EFIC Newsletter is available!
The latest quarterly newsletter of the European Pain Federation EFIC has just been published. Check out our latest updates on the #EFIC2025 Congress, the EFIC Academy, our Research and Advocacy activities, news from our Chapters and much more.
Just published: Updated Curriculum for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine
The European Pain Federation EFIC is proud to launch the updated pain curriculum for the EDPM.The main aims of the EDPM pain curriculum are to guide preparations for the EDPM examinations and to help pain educators throughout Europe harmonise their educational...
Brain Awareness Week 2024
Brain Awareness Week is a global initiative that aims to increase public awareness and understanding of the brain and brain research. It is a collaborative effort between scientists, educators, and organizations to host events and activities that engage the public in...
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