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#EFIC2023 has received 21 EACCME Credits

#EFIC2023 has received 21 EACCME Credits

We are delighted to announce that the 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, Budapest, Hungary, 20/09/2023-22/09/2023 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 21 European CME credits...
Pain and Mental Health: A Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Event

Pain and Mental Health: A Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Event

SIP is delighted to announce its upcoming event entitled, “Pain and Mental Health: A Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Event” hosted by MEP Vind. The event will take place at the European Parliament, in Brussels, in Room SPAAK 4B1, on 10th October 2023,...
World PT Day: 8 September 2023

World PT Day: 8 September 2023

Today is #WorldPTDay. It takes place every year on 8 September. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physiotherapists do for their patients and community. In 2023 the day will focus on arthritis, with an in-depth look at some forms of inflammatory...
Pain Awareness Month 2023

Pain Awareness Month 2023

About Pain Awareness Month September is declared Pain Awareness Month by The World Health Assembly (WHA) – a subsection of the World Health Organization (WHO). The month is dedicated to raising public awareness and understanding of pain. The epidemic of pain The...
Join our #EFIC2023 Networking Activities

Join our #EFIC2023 Networking Activities

#EFIC2023 is the best place to meet other pain professionals, network and socialise. At this year’s congress, you will find the following networking opportunities: ECR Speed Networking Are you an early career researcher hoping to expand your network? Take part in our...
Getting to #EFIC2023

Getting to #EFIC2023

#EFIC2023 will be taking place in Budapest, situated in the heart of Central Europe, therefore easily and quickly accessible by road, rail and air from almost every major European city. The rich history, unparalleled architectural and cultural heritage make the city,...
Volunteers needed: CRPS Assist available in multiple languages

Volunteers needed: CRPS Assist available in multiple languages

CRPS Assist is a free online tool designed by British physiotherapists in collaboration with a respected medical expert for all European physiotherapists who may know a little about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) but need practical guidance and perhaps don’t...
#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Pain Nursing Sessions

#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Pain Nursing Sessions

This year, the 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC will be held in Budapest, Hungary from 20-22 September 2023. As Europe’s most important multi-disciplinary and multi-professional organisation in the field of pain science, we represent 38 constituent...
#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Pain Physiotherapy Sessions

#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Pain Physiotherapy Sessions

This year, the 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC will be held in Budapest, Hungary from 20-22 September 2023. As Europe’s most important multi-disciplinary and multi-professional organisation in the field of pain science, we represent 38 constituent...
#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Pain Psychology Sessions

#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Pain Psychology Sessions

This year, the 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC will be held in Budapest, Hungary from 20-22 September 2023. As Europe’s most important multi-disciplinary and multi-professional organisation in the field of pain science, we represent 38 constituent...
#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Interventional Pain Medicine

#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Interventional Pain Medicine

 Interventional pain medicine is a medical field that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain using minimally invasive procedures. Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition that affects an individual’s physical and mental health, as well as...
Take the Survey for the EFIC Pain Education Study now

Take the Survey for the EFIC Pain Education Study now

Provision of Pain Education in Medical, Physiotherapy, Nursing, and Psychology Training Programmes across Europe The European Pain Federation EFIC Education Committee are examining the provision of Pain Education within Medical, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Psychology...
Join our #EFIC2023 Networking Activities

Sign up for our #EFIC2023 Networking Activities

Wondering what time to leave Budapest during #EFIC2023? Be sure not to miss the Friday evening networking reception! This was a big success in at #EFIC2022 in Dublin and is sure to be surpassed this time. After the final session, everyone assembles in the exhibition...
#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Psychosocial Aspects of Pain

#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Psychosocial Aspects of Pain

Pain is a complex and multifaceted experience that can have a significant impact on an individual’s physical, emotional, and social well-being. While medication and physical therapy can be effective in managing pain, they may not always be sufficient....