#EFIC2023 Congress Topics
The theme of the #EFIC2023 Congress is personalised pain management. We therefore expect to see many talks and workshops on this theme. We also encourage workshop and poster submissions on all key topics relevant to pain science in 2023. You can find the topics we will use for our submission systems below.
Pain Syndromes
- Acute pain
- Acute post-surgical pain
- Cancer pain
- Central neuropathic pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- COVID-19 associated pain
- End of life pain
- Headache
- Ischaemic pain
- Long-term post-surgical pain
- Low back pain and lumboradicular pain
- Nociplastic pain
- Orofacial pain
- Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Other
- Pain and multimorbidity
- Pain in neonates, children and teenagers
- Pain in general
- Pain in the elderly
- Pain in the neck and cervicoradicular pain
- Pain in vulnerable groups
- Pelvic pain
- Peripheral neuropathic pain
- Phantom limb pain
- Visceral pain
- Widespread pain
Basics in Pain
- Definition and classification
- Economics
- Education of pain care
- Epidemiology
- Ethics and legal issues
- Organisation of clinical pain care
- Organisation of research in pain
- Pain related to torture, organised violence and war
- Psychology
- Societal impact
- Somatosensory system
- Transition to chronic pain
Diagnosis & Measurement in Pain
- Animal behaviour
- Animal models
- Artificial intelligence in pain
- Bioinformatics and systems biology
- Cellular imaging
- Clinical diagnostics for the assessment of pain
- Clinical molecular biomarkers
- Multi OMICs (i.e. proteomics, genomics and metabolomics)
- Evidence-based medicine
- Human experimental
- Instruments for the assessment of pain
- Measurement of physical aspects of pain
- Measurement of psychosocial and spiritual aspects of pain
- Non-standard animal models
- Prediction and outcome assessment
- Real world evidence
- Structural and functional imaging in pain
- Study design and statistics in pain research
- Systems biology
Pain Therapies
- Complementary medicine
- Digitisation in pain management
- Genetically based therapies
- Interdisciplinary pain programmes
- Interventional blockade therapies
- Neuromodulative therapies
- Non-pharmocological interventions or therapy
- Pain self-management strategies/programs
- Palliative care therapies
- Pharmacological therapies
- Physical/occupational therapies
- Placebo
- Preventive strategies
- Psychological therapies
- Rehabilitation therapies
- Side effects
- Spiritual pain interventions
- Surgical therapies