#EFIC2023 Workshop Submission
Workshop submission is now closed. Submitters will be notified of their status in early April 2023.
- Three main categories: B (basic research), T (translational), C (clinical).
- Workshops will be grouped by sub-categories.
- Please click here to view the topics under which proposals should be submitted.
- Although the Scientific Programme Committee will consider all proposals, it may recommend modifications to individual proposals and may include unsolicited workshops in the final workshop programme.
- We recommend using interactive formats to engage with the audience (for example, polling, videos, patient perspectives, etc.). Please indicate any technical requirements for integrating your interactive format; we will provide logistical and technical support.
- EFIC represents the multidisciplinary pain science and pain management community. We strongly recommend sessions that provide a multidisciplinary perspective.
- EFIC typically provide support for 3 faculty members per workshop. If your proposal requires a faculty of more than 3, you will be required to distribute the same amount of funding across all speakers.
- The proposer is expected to chair and coordinate the session.
- The proposer is expected to be one of the speakers.
- The proposer of a workshop must ensure that their suggested speakers have been made aware of the workshop proposal and agree to the workshop suggestion before submitting the proposal. If this is not the case, the proposal may be rejected during the review process. All suggested speakers will be emailed to confirm their proposed participation and understand the available support levels.
- Proposals must be submitted via the formal congress submission system only.
- Proposals must be received by the announced deadline. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
- All speakers must consent to their session being available for recording and web streaming. A formal consent process will occur ahead of the meeting, where you can provide guidance if any pre-publication research should be removed from recordings.
Proposals should include the following information:
Proposals should include the following information:
- Session title up to 25 words
- Presentation title
- Workshop description up to 200 words
- Objectives up to 50 words
- Guidance on session format up to 100 words, including any specific logistical or technical instruction
- Main category: B (basic research), T (translational), C (clinical)
- If the workshop aligns with one of the EFIC Political inclinations:
- Patient Focus Session: ‘Patient Focus Sessions’ are a selection of Topical Workshops where either patient was involved in the development of the session or patient involvement in science/clinical management is the focus.
- On The Move: ‘On the Move’ is EFIC’s campaign where we try and draw attention to the impact of exercise and physical activity on the prevention of chronic pain.
- The Societal Impact of Pain: The European Pain Federation EFIC® has a long-running campaign called ‘The Societal Impact of Pain’, where we try and draw attention to the economic and social impact of pain and the need for policy and health systems changes. The campaign is managed with Pain Alliance Europe, a patients’ group for people with pain conditions.
- Plain Talking: ‘Plain Talking’ is EFIC’s campaign focused on the importance of health literacy. Health literacy is a person’s ability to access, understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health and is considered a global health issue by the World Health Organisation. It is a key asset for all of us when it comes to making decisions about our health and for improving health outcomes. It is particularly important for people living with pain to help them understand and actively manage their health.
- General Practitioner session: This workshop is of interest for General Practitioners
- Speakers’ information, including:
- Name
- Academic title and field of practice
- Contact information (affiliation, email, telephone)
- Number of years since PhD (< or ≥ 5 years)
Session Format
For #EFIC2023, the Scientific Programme Committee decided to offer 3 different formats of Scientific Sessions:
- Topical Workshop
A topical workshop is a session presenting basic, translational or clinical research specific to a topic. Each speaker is expected to add something new to the discussion, with the presentations being linked. New research is preferred, though significant reviews or position papers can be covered.
- Session is chaired and introduced by one of the three presenters
- Three (3) speakers present their topic for twenty (20) minutes (3×20 minutes)
- Five (5) minute Q&A after each presentation (3×5 minutes)
- A general discussion, chaired by one of the presenters (15 minutes)
- Interactivity: Voting, Polling, Videos, etc.
- Debate Workshop
A debate workshop is a session designed to facilitate discussion and debate on a topic for which there may be divergent views or where the novelty of the field invites hypothesis. The format could take on a specific pro-contra format or be more open to different perspectives.
- Session is chaired and introduced by the proposer; they should not be part of the debate
- The chair introduces the topic of the debate (10 min) – The debates should focus on a hot topic in the field or on a topic viewed by different fields,
- Ideally multidisciplinary
- Two to Three (2-3) speakers introduce their perspective (2-3X15 minutes)
- The general discussion is chaired by the chair (30-35 minutes)
- The chair should encourage interaction with the audience
- Interactivity: Voting, Polling, Videos, etc.
- An alternative format is a panel discussion with 4-6 speakers with a 5 min statement on a specific topic – discussion between the speakers and Q&A from the audience
- The general discussion is chaired by the chair (40 minutes)
- The chair should allow intervention from the audience
- Interactivity: Voting, Polling, Videos, etc.
- The chair of the debate workshop should be an expert in the field and experienced in moderating such a session
- Demonstration (hands-off) Workshop
Demonstration workshops aim to showcase clinical skills and hands-on techniques relevant to multidisciplinary pain management, including pain assessment, patient communication, body awareness and specific therapeutic/ diagnostic approaches. Note this does not include interventional pain practice cadaver workshops. Please note that any workshop with material or product demonstrated linked to a specific company will not be considered. Please refer to the industry-sponsored session package on the Congress website.
- Session is chaired and introduced by one of the presenters (three maximum, including a patient if relevant)
- The presenter introduces the system* being demonstrated (10 minutes) – this should include a general introduction, the aim of the system, and who is it destined for (which field, which pathology, which question, etc.)
- The demonstrations would ideally aim to attract different healthcare professionals (50 min)
- A general discussion, chaired by one of the presenters (30 minutes)
- Interactivity: based on the system presented, attendee participation in the demonstrations, patient intervention, voting, polling, videos, etc.
*Please note that any invasive techniques will be discarded unless they are demonstrated via video or dummy support (due to health concerns)
- Speakers must be from different institutions.
- All speakers cannot be from the same country
- We strongly recommend a gender-balanced list of speakers
- Early career researchers (postdocs with no more than 5 years from PhD completion) and established scientists are encouraged to participate. However, all speakers should be experienced in presenting their research to a broad multidisciplinary audience.
Financial Support
Financial support can only be given to three (3) faculty members and cannot be increased to cover additional participants in the workshop. If a session includes more than three faculty members, the proposer will be asked to inform EFIC of the distribution of the financial support.
- Euro 900 towards travel will be divided amongst all participants in a workshop.
- Six (6) nights of hotel accommodation will be divided amongst all participants in a workshop.
- Three (3) complimentary registrations will be given to the workshop participants.
- Please note that financial support cannot be claimed more than once, even in the case of multiple workshops accepted.