#EFIC2023 Endorsed Events
Tuesday, 19 September 2023, 12.00-18.00
Hungexpo Budapest Congress and Exhibition Centre, Albertirsai út 10, 1101 Budapest, Hungary
Book your ticket here (Non-IASP members need to create a free account)
Registration is now open for the satellite meeting of the CRSP SIG at #EFIC2023 in Budapest! Join members of the international research community to discuss “What can we learn from regional and widespread symptoms in CRPS?”. This is especially important since CRPS is classified in the ICD-11 as primary chronic pain. The meeting will take place at the Hungexpo building (same location as #EFIC2023).
This symposium will focus on:
· Understanding the importance of defining regional pain in the context of CRPS
· Understanding how CRPS is understood across disciplines
· Understanding cases of CRPS and other regional pain syndromes
· Discussing widespread pain and other symptoms of CRPS
Sessions and Speakers:
The Importance of Defining Regional in the Context of CRPS
· Norman Harden, PhD, Northwestern University, United States
· Hannah Schmidt, MSc, PhD Student, Heidelberg University, Germany
· Rolf-Detlef Treede, MD, PhD, Heidelberg University, Germany
How ‘Regional’ (/focal/segmental) is understood in Different Disciplines
· Daniel Ciampi de Andrade, MD, PhD, Aalborg University, Denmark
· Tara Packham, PhD, O.T Reg, McMaster University, Canada
· Serge Perrot, MD, PhD, Paris Descartes University, France
· Kristian Petersen, MD, PhD, MSc, Aalborg University, Denmark
Informative Cases of CRPS and Other Regional Pain Syndromes
· Daniel Ciampi de Andrade, MD, PhD, Aalborg University, Denmark
· Janne Gierthmuehlen, PhD, MD, University Medical Center Schleswig – Holstein, Germany
· Janet Holly, BHSc PT, Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre, Canada
· Jee Youn Moon, PhD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, United States
· Heike Rittner, MD, University of Würzburg
· Vivianne Tawfik, MD, PhD, Stanford University, United States
Widespread Pain and Other Symptoms in CRPS
· Peter Drummond, PhD, Murdoch University, Australia
· Janne Gierthmuehlen, PhD, MD, University Medical Center Schleswig – Holstein, Germany
· Andreas Goebel, MD, PhD, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
· Norman Harden, PhD, Northwestern University, United States
· Christopher Maihöfner, MD, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
IASP members and non-members welcome. We look forward to seeing you in September!
Book your ticket here (Non-IASP members need to create a free account)
IASP Acute Pain SIG Meeting
Saturday, 23 September 2023, 09.00-13.00
Green Salon, 19-21. Danubius Hotel Astoria, Kossuth Lajos u., 1053 Budapest, Hungary
Book your ticket here (Non-IASP members need to create a free account)
The half day symposium will cover outcomes of postoperative pain management, focusing on regional anaesthesia and integrative medicine. It is increasingly clear that the decades-old problem of undertreated postoperative pain is not because of lack of effective drugs or techniques but to a lack of an organized, multidisciplinary approach, such as APS which uses existing treatments. Expanding the role of the APS to transform into an interdisciplinary Transitional Pain Service seems a promising approach. At the conclusion, we would like to discuss a research agenda on these issues elaborated by the Acute Pain SIG and participants of the satellite symposium. View the full programme here.
This symposium will:
· Demonstrate an understanding of relevant outcomes for managing pain after surgery
· Understand how regional anesthesia and parts of integrative medicine can demonstrate better outcomes
· Understand the impact of acute pain services and transitional pain services on pain outcomes
· Understand the benefits of monitoring patient-reported outcomes
Book your ticket here (Non-IASP members need to create a free account)
Sessions and Speakers:
· Rianne van Boekel, PhD, RN, Radboud University Medical Centre, Netherlands: Physical Function in Postoperative Pain Management: Why It Is Important and Should We Measure? Patrice Forget, MD, PhD, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom: Opioids Perioperatively – Where Are We in Europe and How to Improve?
· Sandra van den Heuvel, MD, MBA, Radboudumc, Netherlands: Acute Pain Services in Europe: Comparing Four Different Countries Using Donabedian’s Framework as a Guide
· Patricia Lavand’homme, MD, PhD, Catholic University of Lovain, Belgium: Regional Anesthesia in Procedure-Specific Pain Management: Evidence-Based recommendations from the ESRA-PROSPECT Initiative
· Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, MD, PhD, University Hospital Muenster, Germany: Assessing Outcomes to Improve Postoperative Pain Management: New Results on PROMs from IMI PainCare PROMPT
· Daniela Rosenberger, MD, PhD, Heidelberg University, Germany: The Organization, Benefits and Pitfalls of Transitional Pain Service
· Petra Schweinhardt, MD, PhD, University of Zurich, Switzerland: Influencing Outcomes of Acute Pain with Integrative Medicine
IASP members and non-members welcome.