SIP Ireland: New Leadership
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Ireland Platform is inaugurating the new year with a change in leadership. Moving forward, Anna Marie Kiernan from the Irish Pain Society and Martina Phelan from Chronic Pain Ireland will co-lead the Platform. Below, you’ll find...
New Eurostat Article: Development of Occupational Diseases
New statistics published by Eurostat illustrate the progress of seven specific musculoskeletal disorders. Notably, among these, two occupational diseases/conditions showed the most significant declines (out of the 16 diseases covered in this article) between 2013 and...
SIP Belgium: New Leadership
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Belgium platform is starting off the year with a change of leadership. The Platform will now be leaded and managed by Pijnpunt and André Mouraux (Belgian Pain Society). Please find below more information on both representatives....
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Joining Forces Event
On Wednesday 31 January, SIP had the pleasure of attending ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Joining Forces’ event organised by the European Commission to celebrate World Cancer Day. It’s been three years since the adoption of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. ...
Job opening – Communications and Advocacy Trainee, European Pain Federation EFIC
The European Pain Federation is a non-profit medical society, focusing on the subject of pain medicine. The Federation is composed of 38 chapters across Europe, with an Executive Office based in Brussels, Belgium. The Federation aims to improve pain medicine through...
World Cancer Day 2024
World Cancer Day is an annual campaign by the Union for International Cancer Control. It was created on 4 February 2000 to help unite the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, and advocate for equal access to life-saving cancer diagnosis, treatment and...
World Cancer Day 2024
World Cancer Day stands as an annual initiative by the Union for International Cancer Control, established on February 4, 2000. Its purpose is to foster unity within the global cancer community, aiming to alleviate the worldwide cancer burden and champion equitable...
#EFIC2025 Workshop submission now open
We are pleased to announce that workshop submission for the EFIC Congress 2025 – Pain in Europe XIV is now open! We look forward to receiving your suggestion for a session that considers relevance, general interest, quality of speakers, and balance of gender and...
Apply now for the EFIC-Grünenthal Grant (E-G-G) 2025
Are you an early career scientist looking to launch your career in pain research? Then be sure to submit your innovative research project in the area of chronic pain to be considered for a research grant from this prestigious scheme! The deadline for applications is 2...
smartCARE project wants to hear from cancer survivors and caregivers across Europe
As part of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the smartCARE project is developing a Smart Card that empowers cancer survivors in Europe. The Smart Card, which will predominantly take the form of a mobile application, will be available all over Europe to allow...
Your input needed: Share your insights on factors that influence treatment efficacy
Shape the Future of Healthcare: Share Your Insights on Factors that Influence Treatment Efficacy, and Your Clinical Training Needs! The University of Bologna, European Pain Federation EFIC and collaborating European universities are conducting a survey to explore...
Initiatives and Plans of EFIC’s Core Committee Chairs
Find out more from our Core Committee Chairs on their strategic focus and objectives for 2024 and beyond. Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Indre Bileviciute-Ljungar, and Patrice Forget each bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their respective roles. Their insights...
Pain in Europe: EFIC’s Vision for Education, Research, and Advocacy in 2024
As we step into 2024, the European Pain Federation EFIC is as committed as ever to advancing the field of pain education, pain research and pain management. In 2024, EFIC will be focusing on providing pain education innovative programs designed to bridge the gap...