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European Year Against Pain

European and Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable

Since 2001, European Pain Federation EFIC® has held a centrally coordinated event named ‘The European Week Against Pain’ (EWAP). The 1st European Week against Pain was launched in the European Parliament.

From 2012 onwards, the event was known in Europe as the ‘European Year Against Pain’ (EYAP) with a centrally coordinated annual theme. National Chapters hold activities to gain attention amongst the medical community, the general public, and local media.

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) with the collaboration of the European Pain Federation EFIC® provides briefing packs and factsheets on the designated theme, so that a general message can be unified globally and across Europe.

This year’s theme is pain in the most vulnerable

European Pain Federation EFIC

This 2019  European and Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable focuses on the following vulnerable populations:

  • Pain in older persons (including pain in dementia)
  • Pain in infants and young children
  • Pain in individuals with cognitive impairments (non dementia-related) or psychiatric disorders
  • Pain in survivors of torture

Previous Years’ Themes 2013-2018

European Pain Federation 2019 congress

Dedicated session at EFIC will be focused on the theme of pain in the most vulnerable – We spoke to Professor Patricia Schofield about how allied professionals can benefit from attending EYAP sessions at the upcoming congress. Watch it here


European resources

Societal Impact of Pain/EFIC resources and national best practices on pain in the most vulnerable

European Journal of Pain

Collected articles from the European Journal of Pain 2018 and earlier related to this theme available here

Global resources

How to get involved
Factsheet translations

Check here periodically for Fact Sheets translated into one of the languages of the 37 chapters of EFIC. We will post these as they become available. Please let us know if you would like to translate the Fact Sheets and contact us at


Recommandations pour la prise en charge de la douleur chez les populations vulnérables

Gestion des médicaments pour les personnes vulnérables

Evaluation de la douleur au cours de la démence

Gestion de la douleur au cours de la démence

La douleur chez la personne âgée

Les soins palliatifs pour une personne âgée douloureuse

Evaluation de la douleur chez les enfants les plus vulnérables

La douleur de l’enfant : prise en charge

Prise en charge palliative de la douleur chez les enfants et les adolescents

La douleur chez les personnes avec handicap intellectuel : place du problème et défis de l’évaluation

La douleur au cours de la dysfonction cognitive, non liée à une démence : prise en charge

La douleur chronique comme conséquence de la torture : évaluation

La douleur chronique comme conséquence de la torture : prise en charge


Hassas Bireylerde Ağrı Yönetimi Kılavuzu

Hassas Bireylerde İlaç Yönetimi

Yaşlılarda Ağrı

Demansta Ağrının Değerlendirilmesi

Demansta Ağrı Yönetimi

En HassasCocuklarda Agri Deg

Çocuklarda Agri-Yonetim

Zihinsel Engelli Bireylerde Ağrı

Demans ile ilişkisiz kognitif bozukluğu olanlarda ağrı

Iskence kronik agrı


IASP Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable

For more information on the activities of the 2019 year against pain at global level visit the IASP dedicated page